Of course, he may be enjoying his baby quickly settling on the swings and letting her lie down. However, you should not allow your child to enter the rope too often, as there may be problems. Yes, there are too many "rules" with your child's swing here.
The truth is that you do not want to create the habit of sleeping swing or it will become a swing, mainly called children and young children. Therefore, to make it difficult for your child to be on the stairs anywhere else, do not always let him go to the stairs.

Tips to make the swing safe for your baby
Think about age and size
If you plan to use a swing for your child, the first thing you should consider is the age, style and size of the child. This is very important because some baby swings are designed only for newborns and babies. Your child's weight is also here and you should consider all these factors before you start thinking about the need for a children's swing. Get more details about safe swings at: https://www.babymonitorsrev.com/baby-swings-small-spaces/
Don't let your nap be too frequent on the swing
Babies and young children are very good to do. As soon as a little girl jumps so much on the swing, she may not enjoy sleeping anywhere else. This may mean that many nights without sleeping there, as you should strive to change it to sleep elsewhere.
Avoid sleeping a lot on the swing
other safe tips are to limit the time your child spends on the swing to create an exciting experience for you and your child. Most experts (in addition to removing your child from the swing after 30 minutes) recommend that you remove
Good start
This is such an important rule that you don't want to ignore because you don't want to have problems along the line. When planning to start swinging, start well when it starts, as it should continue. If it is correct from the beginning, you want to continue, but if you lose it from the beginning, you may have difficulty changing your child's sleep pattern, but you will not get results.
Final ideas
In general, you can understand why many people think that using a swing may not be the best option for their newborn. The truth is that there is no clear rule. While it may be a source of peace and joy for some parents, their cases will only get worse, although this can only be done if you don't follow the simple advice mentioned above.
As a new mother, you should try to consider factors such as your child's age, style and size before buying a children's swing.